Self Reflection 1st week

 As a part of B.ed curriculum we are assigned 30 days teaching practice at different schools. I am assigned at Leshmi Vilasom High School, Pothencode.

Day 01 (06/07/2022)  - Day 2(08/07/22)

We reached LVHS at 9:30am. We signed the attendance sheet and collected the substitution chart and left to our allotted classroom. The school is now functioning with full strength of students. During our previous teaching practice the school was functioning only with 50% of students due to Covid -19 situation. It felt good to see school like ths today, full of students and every thing was so active and positive compared to our previous visit. 

Duties are now assigned department wise. So Maths department students are doing discipline duty now. Today they had lunch duty and road duty to perform.

I was assigned 6th period at class 9M on the 1st and 2nd day. It's a boys class with 38 students. I introduced myself and began the class with some informal talk to establish a rapport with the students. I used Tab to give entry activity and glossary reference.I found the students attentive and active. I couldn't finish the lesson plan which I have prepared for today but still I am satisfied with my class. Tomorrow I will try my best to follow and complete the lesson plan .


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