The term TAXONOMY is derived from TWO Greek words - TAXIS,which means "ORDER "/ "ARRANGEMENT " and NOMOS which means "LAW " / "SCIENCE ". : The branch of science concerned with classification.

   Benjamin Bloom developed the Bloom's taxonomy during the 1940, s along with his collaborators Max Englehart, Edward Furst, Walter Hill and David Krathwohl. Their objective was to place educational goals into specific categories. They believed that classifying goals like this would be beneficial to access college students performances better. Since then, Bloom and his colleagues revised and refined the frame work several times before publishing the final revision in 1956. It was published as the "TAXONOMY OF EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVES". Which means - 'what the students would be able to do at the end of a period'.

                            In 2001 the Bloom's taxonomy was revised by putting together a series of more dynamic concepts for the classification system bi a team of cognitive psychologists, curriculum theorists, introductional researchers and testing assessment specialists led by Lorin Anderson, a colleague of Krathwohl's and former student of Blossom's. The new model was based on the use of verbs to replace noun - providing learners with clearer objectives for what is expected of them.

                                    We will go over the six levels of cognition once and will get on to more details over each one of them through this.

                       Bloom's taxonomy comprises Three learning domains:

 The cognitive, affective and psychomotor and assigns to each of these demands a hierarchy that corresponds to different levels of learning. It's important to note that the different levels of thinking defined within each domain of the Taxonomy are hierarchical.


                        The modern approach to classroom instruction is known as objective based instruction. As opposed to the older approach, which was simply content based. In modern approach, the instruction and total education process are interpreted in terms of following inter related aspects.

1. Objectives / Outcome

2. Learning experiences

3. Evaluation


      Out of these three aspects the most basic one as the proper description of objectives for obvious reasons. If these objects are not described properly, nothing could be done by way of organisation of learning environment as well as evaluation.


                The students learn the content to attain the new behaviour or modification in behaviour and learning take place by the interaction between content and the learner. As a result of this interaction is known as  learning experience.


                 It is a process that critically examine a program. It involves collecting and analysing information about a program's activities, characteristics and outcomes. Its purpose is to make judgements about a program, to improve its effectiveness or to inform programming decisions.


                           Suppose you are eating some dish. How do you feel the taste of the fish? All at once? Obviously no! Because there are different flavours which come at different levels while eating. Similarly there are some levels of understanding and thinking skills that we apply while reading a text too. For instance, there are levels of understanding and analysing skills in a comprehension passage as well. such lower and higher order thinking skills come under bloom's taxonomy. Let's study about bloom's taxonomy in detail.

 Bloom's taxonomy is a three hierarchical model. It gives the skill of thinking in some particular orders.  Further more it helps in categorising the intellectual skills into some orders of complexity and specificity. The author do not write the passage in one way only. There can be layers of emotions and understanding in the passage. In order to decode these layers, we need bloom's taxonomy. The three levels in bloom's taxonomy are:

1. Cognitive ( mental skills / knowledge )

2. Affective ( growth in feelings /emotion/                                  attitude)

3. Psychomotor (manual skills )

Cognitive Domain :

                          The cognitive domain involves knowledge and the development of intellectual skills. There are six categories of the cognitive domain which shows the level or complexity.

They are :

1. knowledge

2. Comprehension

3. Application

4. Analysis

5. Synthesis

6. Evaluation

 Each of these categories has a specific meaning.

> knowledge basically deals with recalling facts and basic concepts.

> comprehension involves understanding the facts and Ideas by comparing, translating and interpreting.

> Application means using the ideas and the concept in a new way.

> Analysis deals with drawing the Conclusion and finding the relation between the different parts.

> Evaluation involves defending opinions by making judgements about information.

> Synthesis : Combine, summarise, organize, compose, create and design.

 Bloom's taxonomy helps a student to use all these skills in comprehension passage.

Affective Domain :

                               Affective domain emphasizes emotions, feelings etc. It varies from Complex phenomena but consists of qualities like character and conscience.

 Here are the few points of affective domain.

1. Receiving

2. Responding

3. Valuing

4. Organization

5. Characterization

Psychomotor Domain :

                                   It includes the physical movement,coordination, movements of sensory organs. Examples include playing guitar or keyboard, driving etc. To master these skills it requires practice.

Application of Bloom's Taxonomy

                          In a comprehension passage, we are given an unseen passage. we need to answer some questions from this passage only. Now Bloom's taxonomy helps to analyse these questions and use the skills to recall the fats and answer the questions. The ways in which categories of Bloom's taxonomy can be used are :

> Finding the meaning of words /phrases/ idioms given in the passage -understand and apply.

> Drawing the conclusion of the passage - analyse and evaluate.

> Finding the main idea of a passage-  understand, apply,evaluate.

> Identifying the tone of the author -evaluate.

> Finding a suitable title for the passage- understand, evaluate,create.

Revised Taxonomy of cognitive domain :

            The taxonomy of educational objectives was published by Benjamin. S. Blooms and his associates in 1956. A revision of this taxonomy was framed by Krathwohl and Anderson in 2001. The revised taxonomy uses the verb form for the objectives. It gives slightly different names to some terms. Knowledge was renamed as Remember, Synthesis as Create. It put create after evaluation in the hierarchy, considering it as the most complex. Let us see the objectives in the revised taxonomy of cognitive domain.

Objectives               Action words                                                          used in Specifications

1. Remember - Recognise Re calling.

2. Understand -Explain, interpret, translate,                                 paraphrase, summarise,                                       and illustrate.

3. Apply           - Apply,use, experiment and                                  manipulate.

4. Analyse        - Analyse, break, separate,                                     compare, contrast and                                         categorise.

5. Evaluate       - Evaluate, judge,comment,                                    appreciate, appraise,edit,                                     defend and criticize.

6. Create             - Generate,produce,combine,                                  compose and organising.

Conclusion :

                   Bloom's taxonomy is a valuable tool for education because it provides a framework for educators and cognitive psychologists to communicate about fundamental educational concepts.

 However, for it to be effective over a significant time period it must be re-evaluated and updated to reflect contemporary factors. The technology of our time is extremely significant to the education process. Bloom's taxonomy was designed to be reinterpreted for best use. A first example was Bloom's updated taxonomy. Today it should be updated again.

                                     The utilisation of Bloom's taxonomy of learning provides the education with a framework to develop learning from the simple to complex. The educator that understands the taxonomy will then approach learning from all three domains. With learning in the hierarchy of the three domains, information will be further comprehended and retained.

 References :

> An update to Bloom's taxonomy / Resilient Educator.




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